
matching tags

Jun 9, 2019:

11:05 PM New reply on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by rcrcrc
6:18 PM New topic on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by rcrcrc

Jun 7, 2019:

2:15 PM Menu.png attached to DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1/equiposUEFI by irina
Comando inicio de sesión y página de inicio.
2:14 PM DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1/equiposUEFI edited by irina
11:45 AM New download ogLive-bionic-5.0.0-15-generic-amd64-r20190605.527cd97.iso created by ramon
(607.9 MB) ogLive 1.1.1-rc4. MD5: cba78acca6b7a6fd36bfa7017520648a

Jun 6, 2019:

4:09 PM New topic on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by rcrcrc
3:44 PM New reply on fallos created by jjgarrido
Fallo al particionar discos
2:24 PM NetBoot.png attached to DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1/equiposUEFI by irina
Gestión de arranque avanzado
2:24 PM CrearImagen.png attached to DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1/equiposUEFI by irina
Comando crear Imagen
2:23 PM ConfiguracionHD.png attached to DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1/equiposUEFI by irina
Configuración del disco duro
2:23 PM AsistenteParticionado.png attached to DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1/equiposUEFI by irina
Asistente de particionado
2:23 PM DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1/equiposUEFI created by irina
2:06 PM DocumentacionUsuario1.1.1 created by irina
2:04 PM DocumentacionUsuario edited by irina
12:54 AM New topic on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by rcrcrc
Cliente no termina de iniciarse

Jun 5, 2019:

10:46 AM New download ogagentpkgs-1.1.1.tar.gz created by ramon
(16.2 MB) OGAgent for operating system installation packages version 1.1.1 (Espeto). MD5: fc4f6a2bf9a06f67bd0b8695c65cca9d
10:16 AM New reply on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by ramon

Jun 4, 2019:

10:35 PM New topic on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by rcrcrc

Jun 3, 2019:

12:02 PM WikiStart edited by ramon
Actualizar descripción de la revisión 1.1.0a (diff)
11:27 AM WikiStart edited by ramon
Anunciar OpenGnsys 1.1.0a (diff)
10:51 AM New download opengnsys-1.1.0a-r20190603.1237a9a.tar.gz created by ramon
(60.5 MB) OpenGnsys 1.1.0a maintenance release. MD5: b4d80f362cd75ad45fedabff147131e3

May 31, 2019:

8:26 AM New reply on fallos created by fdanti2
Modificar script "deletepreimage"

May 30, 2019:

1:47 PM Exposiciones edited by ramon
Vídeos de ponencias en RedIRIS (diff)
1:15 PM Exposiciones edited by ramon
Sesión Docencia-Net Jornadas Técnicas Sevilla 2019 (diff)
12:28 PM New reply on fallos created by irina
Modificar script "deletepreimage"

May 29, 2019:

9:17 AM New reply on fallos created by ramon
Modificar script "deletepreimage"

May 28, 2019:

7:59 AM New topic on fallos created by fdanti2
Modificar script "deletepreimage"

May 23, 2019:

11:36 AM New download ogagentpkgs-1.1.0a.tar.gz created by ramon
(16.2 MB) OGAgent for operating system installation packages version 1.1.0a. MD5: 6e43732c86d4b8ed9e6611fb404bf8fb

May 21, 2019:

10:05 AM Reunion150519 edited by irina
10:01 AM Reunion150519 created by irina
9:46 AM Reuniones edited by irina

May 20, 2019:

11:31 AM New topic on fallos created by patxi_iz
Fallo al particionar discos

May 17, 2019:

7:39 PM New reply on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by rcrcrc
8:07 AM New reply on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by ramon

May 16, 2019:

11:55 PM New topic on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by rcrcrc

May 15, 2019:

2:36 PM New topic on fallos created by rcrcrc
Hola por favor necesito ayuda con apikey

May 14, 2019:

12:37 PM New reply on fallos created by ramon
fallo en las tareas programadas desde windows
10:33 AM New topic on fallos created by fguirado
fallo en las tareas programadas desde windows
9:18 AM New reply on opengnsys-1.1.0 created by andres.arco
Velocidad máxima descarga torrent

May 13, 2019:

2:29 PM asistente_particionado.png attached to Reunion020519 by irina
Asistente de particionado
2:28 PM Reunion020519 edited by irina
1:25 PM propiedades_pc.png attached to Reunion020519 by irina
Propiedades del equipo
1:25 PM estado_servidor.png attached to Reunion020519 by irina
Estado del servidor
1:25 PM deploy_imagenes.png attached to Reunion020519 by irina
Despliegue de imágenes
1:25 PM comandos.png attached to Reunion020519 by irina
1:22 PM Reunion020519 created by irina
1:04 PM Reuniones edited by irina

May 10, 2019:

8:41 AM New reply on fallos created by ramon
Fallo al intentar entrar desde el navegador
8:39 AM New reply on fallos created by ramon
Error acceso web - fallo función split() en CreaComando?.php [SOLUCIONADO]
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.