
Generation of GnSys Live

It is used the live-helper scripts to generate gnsys "client".

  • Install live-helper:
     # apt-get install live-helper
  • Create a directory working
      mkdir gnsyslive && cd gnsyslive
  • Run lh_config. This script configure a lot of options for generate the system. It is recommended run it only one time to avoid colateral effects of call to lh_config.
  • Customize the image. Subdirectory config
  • chroot_local-includes: its contents are copied to the chroot just before generating the binaries replacing any files.
  • Generate live:
    lh_build --debug
  • We can do changes in chroot, in binary ..., and run lh_clean <pointtoreturn>. A new lh_build will tolerate all that we not clean.

Start from PXE + NFS/HTTP

We have the live subdirectory in the directory binary. Here are initrd1.img, vmlinuz1, packages.txt and filesystem.squashfs. Copy the first three to tftproot directory (the path depends on the syslinux configuration) and the last export to nfs...or put it in a web server. If you pass in the boot the parameter fetch=URL to initrd, it will download via wget and run it in RAM, releasing connections to the server.

Start from CDROM

If you have not PXE, you can copy in a CD. Record binary.iso

Testing Generator Script

The script automates the creation of live client.

No node branches/eac-hidra-unizar/clientes/gnsyslive/ at revision 4dce6ad31fee96f28b36615eae620bdf397c2d5f

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Jul 14, 2017, 1:07:08 PM