
Windows logon with hardware SATA2

This feature will be by default in future releases. In v1.0.1 can be configured manually.

The origin of this information is /opt/opengnsys/tftpboot/NetbootPXE.en.txt


OpenGnSys boots the Windows sistems with grub4dos.

This component is incompatible with some motherboards when SATA2 HDD is configured as IDE LEgacy or IDE Native.

If HDD can be configured with AHCI drive, there is no problem with the Windows boot.

Change boot mode

To avoid this proble, change the boot mode of client computer:

  • Change PXE manager, the binary pxelinux with grub4dos
  • Enter a boot up Windows.

To start Windows, the system include mark in the partition and restart the computer. It will re-perform the PXE request and by detecting the marks on the partition will start directly.

Configure remote boot loader with grub4dos

OpenGnSys used as PXE manager, the binary pxelinux.0.

It is possible to use the binary grldr to solve some issues.

To active the grldr of grub4dos:

1) Modify DHCP by replacing filename "pxelinux.0" with "grldr"

     filename "grldr"; 

2) Restart service DHCP

     /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart 

3) Change the web boot loader to use grldr.

    cp /opt/opengnsys/www/principal/boot.php /opt/opengnsys/www/principal/boot.pxelinux.php 
    cp /opt/opengnsys/www/principal/boot.grub4dos.php /opt/opengnsys/www/principal/boot.php 

    cp /opt/opengnsys/www/gestores/gestor_pxe.php /opt/opengnsys/www/gestores/gestor_pxe.pxelinux.php 
    cp /opt/opengnsys/www/gestores/gestor_pxe_grub4dos.php /opt/opengnsys/www/gestores/gestor_pxe.php 

Active the monitor Windows login

The monitor is for all computers, not only those with SATA2.

In the ogBoot function of the Boot.lib library uncomment from 'if' of the lines 71 to 85:

        #FIXME: active the monitor of XP login with grub4dos
                if `ogGetOsVersion $1 $2 | grep "Windows" > /dev/null`
                dd if=/dev/zero of=${MNTDIR}/  bs=1024 count=3
                dd if=/dev/zero of=${MNTDIR}/ogboot.firstboot  bs=1024 count=3
                dd if=/dev/zero of=${MNTDIR}/ogboot.secondboot  bs=1024 count=3         
                ogLoadHiveWindows $1 $2
                        ogHiveNTRunMachine "cmd /c del c:\ogboot.* "  ogcleanboot
                cp $OGLIB/grub4dos/* $MNTDIR    # */ (Comment Doxygen)
                ##kexec -l $MNTDIR/grub.exe --append=--config-file="find --set-root /$LOADER; chainloader /$LOADER; tpm --init"
                kexec -l $MNTDIR/grub.exe --append=--config-file="root (hd$[$1-1],$[$2-1]); chainloader (hd$[$1-1],$[$2-1])/$LOADER; tpm --init"
Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Jul 14, 2017, 1:07:08 PM