== Contributions == If you would like to contribute in this project, we need: * Testers * Translators Channels: * [/discussion Internet Forum] * Mailing Lists: * For people who wants to participate in this project https://webmail.unizar.es/mailman/listinfo/opengnsys-devel * !OpenGnSys Users https://webmail.unizar.es/mailman/listinfo/opengnsys-users * Private for personal of Universities of Málaga, Seville and Zaragoza https://webmail.unizar.es/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/gnsys * Instant Messaging channel #opengnsys en irc.freenode.net == Follow on Social Networks == {{{ #!html Follow OpenGnSys on Twitter Follow OpenGnSys on Identi.ca Grupo de Usuarios de OpenGnSys en LinkedIn }}} [[LikeButton(http://www.opengnsys.es)]]