
Version 1 (modified by paqui, 14 years ago) (diff)


Init Configuration

  1. Review the config files.
    1. /opt/opengnsys/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg
    2. /opt/opengnsys/etc/ogAdmRepo.cfg
    3. /opt/opengnsys/client/etc/ogAdmClient.cfg
    4. /opt/opengnsys/www/controlacceso.php
  2. Review the exported files by NFS (only allowed access to computers in the same subnet of the server by default)
    1. /etc/exports
  3. Config the DHCP server and restart the daemon.
  4. Login as Administrador in the server web console.
    1. User: usuog and Password: passusuog
    2. Review the organization that is set by default and the default user.
  5. Login as user in the server web console.
    1. User: opengnsys and Password: opengnsys
    2. Review Servidores->Servidor OpenGnSys (Default), that the IP server is correct.
    3. If you change the settings, restart the server: sudo /etc/init.d/opengnsys restart