[[TranslatedPages]] [[TOC]] = First Time User Guide: Organizational Unit Administration = This is a guide for working with !OpenGnSys Administration Console. Once we have entered the administration console in [wiki:GuideAdmConsola Admin Console], we have created an organizational unit and we have assigned an administrator, we can proceed to manage one's own organizational unit. == Console Access == || [[Image(P8_acceso_consola.png)]] || [[br]]We can access to Admin Console by writing [[br]] in the browser's address bar the following:[[br]][[br]] `http://[ip_of_server]/opengnsys`.[[br]][[br]]To access to the Organizational unit we should use [[br]] the name and password of administrator that we assign [[br]] and select the organizational unit in drop-down list [[br]][[br]]|| [[br]][[br]][[br]][[br]] == Introduction to the elements from the top menu == [[Image(pantallazos:p04-barramenu.png)]] * Classrooms: This option will add objects as computers, group and perform operations on them. * Actions: This option will manage the actions for apply or to program to the computers. * Images: This option will allow Esta opción nos permite gestionar la información de los objetos imágenes. - NOTA: antes de crear cualquier imagen, se ha de definir previamente desde esta opción. * Hardware: From this option, we can manage the hardware of the organizational unit. * Software: From this option, we can see the software list of our images. * Repositories: From this option, we can manage the repositories (images containers) assign to the organizational unit. NOTE: Automatically, during the installation a default organizational unit is generated, including a default repository. If we create an organizational unit, the first thing to do is to register the repository. * Menus: From this option, we can manage the menus offered in the clients console. * Help: Show info about OpenGnSys API. * Exit: == Repository Management == * By using a new Organizational Unit (OU), we should verify the repository data. * The Organizational Unit "default" have assigned the repository "default". || If you have a second organizational unit [[br]] you should register the repository. [[br]] We assign [[br]] * to the name that identify it [[br]] * and IP of the repository (the same repository can be used in several organizational units). || [[Image(pantallazos:p04-gestionRepo.png)]] || In [wiki:Repositorios Gestión de repositorios] you can find more information about this. == Insert classroom == On the Organizational Unit, right-click mouse and select add new classroom. Next enter the correct details to our classroom:[[BR]] - '''Computers:''' We should assign a maximum number of computers in the classroom [[br]] - '''Network''' - router: IP router of the classroom. - netmask: netmask of the classroom. i.e. - '''Protocol P2P''' - Mode P2P: how the computer performs when you download an image. Possible values are: - leecher: the computer no sharing while it is downloading an image. - peer: the computer sharing image data while it is downloading. - seeder: mode working distributed where a Master client is serving an image. - P2P time (seconds) as seeder: Whatever of the working mode of the P2P client for downloading, we can define that once you have the whole image in the cache partition, it is dedicated "X" seconds to share it to other clients. - '''Protocolo Multicast.''' - ''multicast:'' with two options: full-duplex and half-duplex (use full-duplex) - ''ip multicast'': multicast direction for this classroom: 239.194.x.z where x is the second octet of the IP network of the classroomm, and z is the third octet. e.g. If the IP direction of aula_virtual_1 is, the IP multicast corresponds: In the case of our network has two classrooms and we need to use simultaneous multicast, we should assign the IP multicast of - ''port:'' it is the port, where the computer sends by multicast, sincronized with the computers. Values may be even from 9000, e.g.: 9000, 9002, 9004, 9006 ..... Preferely, you should use 9000, and in the case of ip multicast, if we have two classroom in the same network, you should assign the first classroom to the port 9000 and the second to 9002. - ''speed:'' It is the maximum speed in Mbits/second. The maximum value allowed by the clone motor is 90 mbits - there are test with gigabits with excellent results. - '''repository:''' We assign the repository of that class (this value affects only computers that are currently in the classroom). [[Image(pantallazos:p04-insertar-aula.2.png)]] [[br]][[br]][[br]][[br]] == Register !OpenGnsys Computers == === Add computer to dhcp === * We have to add the computers in dhcp service with the IP address assignment automatically. * In the dhcpd configuration file, there are an example of the computer definition. (/etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf) === Integrate computers in !OpenGnSys from web === ==== Integrate computers into the classroom ==== In one step you can incorporate multiple computers to the classroom.[[br]] Right-click on classroom, select add computers and in the right side of the window, it appears a text box: Integrate computers. [[br]] In the text box, from dhcpd.conf we can copy the contents of the hosts as you can see in the figure.[[br]] Click on accept, you should to change the window for updating the classroom and seeing the computers, i.e., click on Actions and next on Classrooms. [[Image(pantallazos:p05-incorporar-ordenadores.3.2.png)]] [[br]][[br]][[br]][[br]] It is recommended, since the properties of the classroom, reselect the default repository for all computers in the classroom and click the Accept button. ==== Add new computer ==== From this option, you should incorporate a computer to the organizational unit. [[Image(pantallazos:p04-anyadirnuevoordenador.png)]] * Info about IP address field, we need to make sure not to leave spaces at the beginning or end of the address. * Info about MAC address field, we need to make sure not to leave spaces at the beginning or end of the address. * It is mandatory to assign the repository that uses the new computer. * The format of MAC address is without spacers between the hexadecimals blocks. For example: 90e6ba8172a3 * Identificador de la tarjeta de red: La opción por defecto es eth0, en el caso de que nuestro cliente, disponga de varias, debemos de asignarle cual de ellas utilizará para conectarse al servidor Opengnsys. * El otro campo es el identificador de la controladora de red, inicialmente el cliente de esta revisión tiene un gran soporte para estos controladores, por este motivo este campo siempre es "generic". == Actualización de datos de múltiples ordenadores == Sobre el agrupamiento de aulas, pulsamos el botón propiedades, y los últimos campos son aplicables a todos los ordenadores de ese ámbito. [[Image(pantallazos:p04-datosaulacomun.png)]] Esta opción es muy útil para asignar los menús y confirmar el repositorio asignado. == Arranque de los clientes Opengnsys == * La aplicación web de OpenGnsys, gestiona el modo de arranque de los ordenadores que tenga registrados. * Por defecto un ordenador gestionado por OpenGnsys, al arrancar mostrará un menú pxe, ofreciendo dos tipos de arranque, uno hacia el primer disco duro (opción por defecto), y otro hacia el cliente opengnsys pxe (es el sistema operativo que se encarga de las operaciones específicas de clonación). * Este modo de arranque se puede(debe) modificarse para trabajar de manera nativa con OpenGnsys. * El modo nativo de OpenGnsys es en el cual los ordenadores arrancan el sistema operativo pxe Opengnsys (ogclient): [[BR]] ** Realizando las operaciónes programadas o pendientes de realizar. [[BR]] ** Mostrando un menu de usuario, ofreciendo varias opciones de inicio de sesión hacia los sistemas operativos que el cliente tenga instalado en sus particiones. [[BR]] ** Realizando una conexión con el servidor de administración OpenGnsys, para realizar las operaciones bajo demanda. [[BR]] Para hacer que un cliente sea nativo de OpenGnsys debemos de: * Sobre un aula, seleccionar "gestor de arranque remoto", * Desplazar el ordenador u ordenadores a la opción de la izquierda, denominada "ogclient". Con los botones [in] [out], moveremos los ordenadores, hasta dejarlos en la opción desdeada. * Para finalizar hay que utilizar el botón de guardar. Los distintos elementos que ofrece el gestor de arranque son: * ogclient - el cliente pxe de OpenGnsys sin consola de administración, y con acceso de sólo lectura con el Repositorio. * ogclient-admin - el cliente pxe de OpenGnsys, con consola de administración, y con acceso de escritura con el Repositorio. Se ha definido que también realice un proceso de inicio en modo depuración, en el cual informa al administrador sobre el proceso y ofreciendo puntos de acceso a la shell para depurar errores. * mbr 1hd - el ordendor siempre arrancará según el gestor de arranque definida en el MBR del primer disco duro. * 1hd 1particion - El ordenador siempre arrancará por dicha partición si existe un gestor de arranque instalado. * 1hd 2particion. El ordenador siempre arrancará por dicha partición si existe un gestor de arranque instalado.