
Version 4 (modified by trac, 7 years ago) (diff)



Quick First Use Guide: Admin Console

This is a guide to work with the OpenGnSys Admin Console.

Access to Console

Welcome screen
After installation of OpenGnsys, you can access to admin console
of the application by writing on address bar of your navegator:

If you have not change in the installation process we access as Superadministrator in
the server console web with the user: usuog and password: passusuog
without select organizational unit.

NOTE: These data can be modified later to customize this access.

Create Administrator

The next step is create an user administrator for the Organizational Unit.

Assign a user to an Organizational Unit

We also have to assign the new user to the Organizational Unit. To do this, on the Organizational Unit,
click the right mouse button and select "Assign Organizational Unit".

We must select the checkbox "Organizational Unit (Default)". Press the button to exit the management
console to connect with the newly created user and select the Organizational Unit.