# ogCP ogCP (OpenGnsys Control Panel) is the new web interface, a modern alternative to the classical administration panel (WebConsole). ## Installation Steps to install ogCP on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS: * Clone the repository that is temporarily available at: https://github.com/javsanpar/ogCP * Edit `ogcp/cfg/ogcp.json` and include the API token and the IP address of the ogServer. In addition, we must define the user and the key we want for authentication in ogCP. * Create a python virtual environment. * Install venv with: ```bash apt-get install python3-venv ``` * Create the folder where we will start the virtual environment. * Create the virtual environment with: ```bash python3 -m venv ./previous-folder ``` * Activate the shell with the virtual environment with: ```bash source ./previous-folder/bin/activate ``` * (Optional) If you want to expose ogCP to other machines, you must edit `run_test.sh` with: ```bash ... flask run --host= ``` * With the shell linked to the newly created python environment, navigate to the folder where you cloned ogCP and launch: ```bash ./run_test.sh ``` When running `run_test.sh` for the first time some errors are expected, but they do not affect to the usability of ogCP. ## License ogCP is released under the GNU Affero Public License v3+ ## Authors [Soleta Networks](https://opengnsys.soleta.eu)