# Vagrantfile to prepare virtual environment using VirtualBox provider to develop OGAgent. VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" # VM provider: Oracle VM VirtualBox. ENV['VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER'] = "virtualbox" # Language. LANGUAGE = "es_ES" ENV['LC_ALL'] = LANGUAGE + ".UTF-8" # Amount of virtual memory and virtual CPUs. VMMEM = 4096 VMCPUS = 4 # OpenGnsys boot-tools environment provisioning script. SCRIPT = </dev/null localectl set-locale LANG=$LANG localectl set-keymap ${LANG%_*} localectl set-x11-keymap ${LANG%_*} # Update repositories. dnf install -y http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm # Install main dependencies. dnf install -y gcc-c++ debhelper dpkg-dev pyqt4-devel rpm-build subversion samba-winbind wine.i686 mingw32-wine-gecko wine-mono cabextract xar setsebool -P wine_mmap_zero_ignore=on mmap_low_allowed=on # Install desktop (XFCE) and GUI utils. dnf install -y @xfce-desktop-environment firefox VirtualBox-guest kmod-VirtualBox akmod-VirtualBox akmods systemctl set-default graphical.target sed -i '$d' /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/60-vboxguest.rules akmods && systemctl restart systemd-modules-load.service # Install ATOM editor by default (less disk space). wget -q https://atom.io/download/rpm -O /tmp/atom.rpm && dnf install -y /tmp/atom.rpm && rm -f /tmp/atom.rpm # Comment out next line if you prefer to install Eclipse IDE for Python (it needs more disk space). #dnf install -y eclipse-pydev eclipse-nls-${LANG%_*} # Download OGAgent environment installer. BRANCH="main" wget -qc --unlink https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opengnsys/OpenGnsys/$BRANCH/installer/ogagent-devel-installer.sh -O /home/vagrant/ogagent-devel-installer.sh chmod +x /home/vagrant/ogagent-devel-installer.sh # Instructions. echo "Manual operations:" echo "- Reboot VM or launch desktop: startxfce4 &" echo "- Enlarge VM window." echo "- To prepare OGAgent environment, execute: ./ogagent-devel-installer.sh" echo "- If you use the default Atom IDE:" echo " - Open a Project located in /home/vagrant/ogagent/src directory." echo "- Only if you enable Eclipse IDE installation, you need to configure it before coding:" echo " - Set Python interpreter on Preferences/PyDev/Interpreters/Python Interpreter." echo " - Create a new PyDev Project located in /home/vagrant/ogagent/src directory." EOT Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| # OpenGnsys boot-tools environment VM definition. config.vm.define "ogAgent" do |ag| ag.ssh.insert_key = false # Specific VirtualBox configuration. ag.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| # VM name, memory and CPUs. vb.name = "ogAgent" vb.memory = VMMEM vb.cpus = VMCPUS vb.gui = true end # VM base and host name. ag.vm.box = "fedora/27-cloud-base" ag.vm.hostname = "ogAgent" # Comment to disable synced folder. ag.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant" # Launch provisioning script. ag.vm.provision "shell", inline: SCRIPT end end