# OpenGnsys The OpenGnsys Project (pronounced _Open Genesis_) brings together the combined efforts of several Spanish Public Universities to provide a number of free and open source tools for managing and deploying computers. These tools supply a complete, versatile and intuitive system that allows the arrangement, installation and deployment of different operating systems. OpenGnsys is based on a modular architecture separated into different service layers which allows its implementation in several educational and organizational IT environments, both in a centralized or distributed way. The main management of the system is carried out by means of a simple web interface which supports delegated administration. OpenGnsys is also suitable for isolated environments, being able to work in network failure conditions (offline mode). OpenGnsys website: https://opengnsys.es/ ## Installation notes Please, read `doc/INSTALL.en.txt` (or `doc/INSTALL.es.txt`) for detailled instructions.