OpenGnSys 1.0.x Filesystem Hiearchy =================================== Directory Structure of OpenGnSys Client --------------------------------------------- /opt/opengnsys bin (ro) - associated tools cache (rw) - mount point of the local cache filesystem etc (ro) - configuration files. init (ro) - init scripts. images (user=ro, admin=rw) - images repository. lib (ro) - tool libraries. engine/bin (ro) - cloning engine libraries. log (rw) - log files. Directory Structure of OpenGnSys Server: ---------------------------------------------- /opt/opengnsys bin - server binaries. client - exports the client's directory structure. etc - configuration files. lib - tool libraries. log - ficheros de registro de incidencias. log - log files. tftpboot - remote boot files (linked to TFTP directory). Directory Structure of OpenGnSys Repository Manager --------------------------------------------------------- /opt/opengnsys bin - server binaries. etc - configuration files. images - filesystem images. log - log files. Relationship of network file systems ------------------------------------ Server: exports /opt/opengnsys/client -> Client: imports /opt/opengnsys Server: exports /opt/opengnsys/log/client -> Client: imports /opt/opengnsys/log RepoMan: exports /opt/opengnsys/images -> Client: imports /opt/opengnsys/images