#!/bin/bash #/** #@file opengnsys_update.sh #@brief Script actualización de OpenGnsys #@version 0.9 - basado en opengnsys_installer.sh #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2010/01/27 #@version 1.0 - adaptación a OpenGnSys 1.0 #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2011/03/02 #@version 1.0.1 - control de auto actualización del script #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2011/05/17 #@version 1.0.2a - obtiene valor de dirección IP por defecto #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2012/01/18 #@version 1.0.3 - Compatibilidad con Debian y auto configuración de acceso a BD. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2012/03/12 #@version 1.0.4 - Detector de distribución y compatibilidad con CentOS. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2012/05/04 #@version 1.0.5 - Actualizar BD en la misma versión, compatibilidad con Fedora (systemd) y configuración de Rsync. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2014/04/03 #@version 1.0.6 - Redefinir URLs de ficheros de configuración usando HTTPS. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2015/03/12 #@version 1.1.0 - Instalación de API REST y configuración de zona horaria. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2015/11/09 #@version 1.1.1a - Elegir versión a actualizar. #@author Ramón Gómez - ETSII Univ. Sevilla #@date 2019/12/13 #*/ #### AVISO: NO EDITAR variables de configuración. #### WARNING: DO NOT EDIT configuration variables. INSTALL_TARGET=/opt/opengnsys # Directorio de instalación PATH=$PATH:$INSTALL_TARGET/bin OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER="opengnsys" # Usuario Samba # Sólo ejecutable por usuario root if [ "$(whoami)" != 'root' ]; then echo "ERROR: this program must run under root privileges!!" exit 1 fi # Error si OpenGnsys no está instalado (no existe el directorio del proyecto) if [ ! -d $INSTALL_TARGET ]; then echo "ERROR: OpenGnsys is not installed, cannot update!!" exit 1 fi # Cargar configuración de acceso a la base de datos. if [ -r $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg ]; then source $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg elif [ -r $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmAgent.cfg ]; then source $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmAgent.cfg fi OPENGNSYS_DATABASE=${OPENGNSYS_DATABASE:-"$CATALOG"} # Base de datos OPENGNSYS_DBUSER=${OPENGNSYS_DBUSER:-"$USUARIO"} # Usuario de acceso OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD=${OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD:-"$PASSWORD"} # Clave del usuario if [ -z "$OPENGNSYS_DATABASE" -o -z "$OPENGNSYS_DBUSER" -o -z "$OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD" ]; then echo "ERROR: set OPENGNSYS_DATABASE, OPENGNSYS_DBUSER and OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD" echo " variables, and run this script again." exit 1 fi # Comprobar si se ha descargado el paquete comprimido (REMOTE=0) o sólo el instalador (REMOTE=1). PROGRAMDIR=$(readlink -e $(dirname "$0")) PROGRAMNAME=$(basename "$0") OPENGNSYS_SERVER="opengnsys.es" if [ -d "$PROGRAMDIR/../installer" ]; then REMOTE=0 else REMOTE=1 fi WORKDIR=/tmp/opengnsys_update mkdir -p $WORKDIR # Registro de incidencias. OGLOGFILE=$INSTALL_TARGET/log/${PROGRAMNAME%.sh}.log LOG_FILE=/tmp/$(basename $OGLOGFILE) ##################################################################### ####### Algunas funciones útiles de propósito general: ##################################################################### # Generar variables de configuración del actualizador # Variables globales: # - OSDISTRIB - distribución Linux # - DEPENDENCIES - array de dependencias que deben estar instaladas # - UPDATEPKGLIST, INSTALLPKGS, CHECKPKG - comandos para gestión de paquetes # - APACHECFGDIR, APACHESERV, PHPFPMSERV, DHCPSERV, MYSQLSERV, MYSQLCFGDIR, INETDCFGDIR - configuración y servicios function autoConfigure() { local service # Detectar sistema operativo del servidor (compatible con fichero os-release y con LSB). if [ -f /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release OSDISTRIB="$ID" OSVERSION="$VERSION_ID" else OSDISTRIB=$(lsb_release -is 2>/dev/null) OSVERSION=$(lsb_release -rs 2>/dev/null) fi # Convertir distribución a minúsculas y obtener solo el 1er número de versión. OSDISTRIB="${OSDISTRIB,,}" OSVERSION="${OSVERSION%%.*}" # Configuración según la distribución de Linux. if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Distribución basada en paquetes Deb. DEPENDENCIES=( curl rsync btrfs-tools procps arp-scan realpath php-curl gettext moreutils jq wakeonlan udpcast libev-dev libjansson-dev libssl-dev shim-signed grub-efi-amd64-signed php-fpm gawk libdbi-dev libdbi1 libdbd-mysql liblz4-tool ) # Paquete correcto para realpath. [ -z "$(apt-cache pkgnames realpath)" ] && DEPENDENCIES=( ${DEPENDENCIES[@]//realpath/coreutils} ) UPDATEPKGLIST="add-apt-repository -y ppa:ondrej/php; apt-get update" INSTALLPKGS="apt-get -y install" DELETEPKGS="apt-get -y purge" CHECKPKG="dpkg -s \$package 2>/dev/null | grep -q \"Status: install ok\"" if which service &>/dev/null; then STARTSERVICE="eval service \$service restart" STOPSERVICE="eval service \$service stop" SERVICESTATUS="eval service \$service status" else STARTSERVICE="eval /etc/init.d/\$service restart" STOPSERVICE="eval /etc/init.d/\$service stop" SERVICESTATUS="eval /etc/init.d/\$service status" fi ENABLESERVICE="eval update-rc.d \$service defaults" APACHEENABLEMODS="ssl rewrite proxy_fcgi fastcgi actions alias" APACHEDISABLEMODS="php" APACHEUSER="www-data" APACHEGROUP="www-data" MYSQLCFGDIR=/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d MYSQLSERV="mysql" PHPFPMSERV="php-fpm" INETDCFGDIR=/etc/xinetd.d elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then # Distribución basada en paquetes rpm. DEPENDENCIES=( curl rsync btrfs-progs procps-ng arp-scan gettext moreutils jq net-tools udpcast libev-devel jansson-devel openssl-devel shim-x64 grub2-efi-x64 grub2-efi-x64-modules gawk libdbi-devel libdbi libdbi-dbd-mysql) # Repositorios para PHP 7 en CentOS. [ "$OSDISTRIB" == "centos" ] && UPDATEPKGLIST="yum update -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-$OSVERSION.noarch.rpm http://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-$OSVERSION.rpm" INSTALLPKGS="yum install -y" DELETEPKGS="yum remove -y" CHECKPKG="rpm -q --quiet \$package" if which systemctl &>/dev/null; then STARTSERVICE="eval systemctl restart \$service.service" STOPSERVICE="eval systemctl stop \$service.service" ENABLESERVICE="eval systemctl enable \$service.service" SERVICESTATUS="eval systemctl status \$service.service" else STARTSERVICE="eval service \$service restart" STOPSERVICE="eval service \$service stop" ENABLESERVICE="eval chkconfig \$service on" SERVICESTATUS="eval service \$service status" fi APACHEUSER="apache" APACHEGROUP="apache" MYSQLCFGDIR=/etc/my.cnf.d MYSQLSERV="mariadb" PHPFPMSERV="php-fpm" INETDCFGDIR=/etc/xinetd.d else # Otras distribuciones. : fi for service in apache2 httpd; do [ -d "/etc/$service" ] && APACHECFGDIR="/etc/$service" if $SERVICESTATUS &>/dev/null; then APACHESERV="$service"; fi done for service in dhcpd dhcpd3-server isc-dhcp-server; do if $SERVICESTATUS &>/dev/null; then DHCPSERV="$service"; fi done } # Choose an available version to update. function chooseVersion() { local RELEASES DOWNLOADS INSTVERSION INSTRELEASE RELDATE # Development branch. BRANCH="master" API_URL="https://api.github.com/repos/opengnsys/OpenGnsys/branches/$BRANCH" RELEASES=( ) DOWNLOADS=( ) # If updating from a local or very old version, use the default data. if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ] && which jq &>/dev/null && [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json ]; then # Installed release. read -pe INSTVERSION INSTRELEASE <<< $(jq -r '.version+" "+.release' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json) # Fetch tags (releases) data from GitHub. while read -pe TAG URL; do if [[ $TAG =~ ^opengnsys- ]]; then [ "${TAG#opengnsys-}" \< "${INSTVERSION%pre}" ] && continue RELDATE=$(curl -s "$URL" | jq -r '.commit.committer.date | split("-") | join("")[:8]') RELEASES+=( "${TAG} ($RELDATE)" ) DOWNLOADS+=( "$URL" ) fi done <<< $(curl -s "$API_URL/../../tags" | jq -r '.[] | .name+" "+.commit.url') # Add development (master) branch. RELEASES+=( "$BRANCH" ) DOWNLOADS+=( "$API_URL" ) # Show selection menu, if needed. if [ ${#RELEASES[@]} -gt 1 ]; then echo "Installed version: $INSTVERSION $INSTRELEASE" echo "Versions available for update (\"$BRANCH\" is the latest development branch):" PS3="Enter a number (CTRL-C to exit): " select opt in "${RELEASES[@]}"; do if [ -n "$opt" ]; then BRANCH="${opt%% *}" API_URL="${DOWNLOADS[REPLY-1]}" break fi done fi fi # Download URLs. CODE_URL="https://codeload.github.com/opengnsys/OpenGnsys/zip/$BRANCH" RAW_URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opengnsys/OpenGnsys/$BRANCH" } # Comprobar auto-actualización. function checkAutoUpdate() { local update=0 # Actaulizar el script si ha cambiado o no existe el original. if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then curl -s $RAW_URL/installer/$PROGRAMNAME -o $PROGRAMNAME chmod +x $PROGRAMNAME if ! diff -q $PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME 2>/dev/null || ! test -f $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME; then mv $PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib update=1 else rm -f $PROGRAMNAME fi else if ! diff -q $PROGRAMDIR/$PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME 2>/dev/null || ! test -f $INSTALL_TARGET/lib/$PROGRAMNAME; then cp -a $PROGRAMDIR/$PROGRAMNAME $INSTALL_TARGET/lib update=1 fi fi return $update } function getDateTime() { date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S" } # Escribe a fichero y muestra por pantalla function echoAndLog() { echo "$1" DATETIME=`getDateTime` echo "$DATETIME;$SSH_CLIENT;$1" >> $LOG_FILE } function errorAndLog() { echo "ERROR: $1" DATETIME=`getDateTime` echo "$DATETIME;$SSH_CLIENT;ERROR: $1" >> $LOG_FILE } # Escribe a fichero y muestra mensaje de aviso function warningAndLog() { local DATETIME=`getDateTime` echo "Warning: $1" echo "$DATETIME;$SSH_CLIENT;Warning: $1" >> $LOG_FILE } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones de copia de seguridad y restauración de ficheros ##################################################################### # Hace un backup del fichero pasado por parámetro # deja un -last y uno para el día function backupFile() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local fichero=$1 local fecha=`date +%Y%m%d` if [ ! -f $fichero ]; then warningAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): file $fichero doesn't exists" return 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Making $fichero back-up" # realiza una copia de la última configuración como last cp -a $fichero "${fichero}-LAST" # si para el día no hay backup lo hace, sino no if [ ! -f "${fichero}-${fecha}" ]; then cp -a $fichero "${fichero}-${fecha}" fi } # Restaura un fichero desde su copia de seguridad function restoreFile() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local fichero=$1 echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): restoring file $fichero" if [ -f "${fichero}-LAST" ]; then cp -a "$fichero-LAST" "$fichero" fi } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones de acceso a base de datos ##################################################################### # Actualizar la base datos function importSqlFile() { if [ $# -ne 4 ]; then errorAndLog "${FNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local dbuser="$1" local dbpassword="$2" local database="$3" local sqlfile="$4" local tmpfile=$(mktemp) local mycnf=/tmp/.my.cnf.$$ local status if [ ! -r $sqlfile ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Unable to read $sqlfile!!" return 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): importing SQL file to ${database}..." chmod 600 $tmpfile sed -e "s/SERVERIP/$SERVERIP/g" -e "s/DBUSER/$OPENGNSYS_DB_USER/g" \ -e "s/DBPASSWORD/$OPENGNSYS_DB_PASSWD/g" $sqlfile > $tmpfile # Componer fichero con credenciales de conexión. touch $mycnf chmod 600 $mycnf cat << EOT > $mycnf [client] user=$dbuser password=$dbpassword EOT # Antes de actualizar, reasignar valores para campos no nulos con nulo por defecto. mysql --defaults-extra-file=$MYCNF -D "$database" -e \ "$(mysql --defaults-extra-file=$MYCNF -Nse " SELECT CASE WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%int' THEN CONCAT_WS(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', TABLE_NAME, 'ALTER', COLUMN_NAME, 'SET DEFAULT 0;') WHEN DATA_TYPE LIKE '%char' THEN CONCAT_WS(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', TABLE_NAME, 'ALTER', COLUMN_NAME, 'SET DEFAULT \'\';') WHEN DATA_TYPE = 'text' THEN CONCAT_WS(' ', 'ALTER TABLE', TABLE_NAME, 'MODIFY', COLUMN_NAME, 'TEXT NOT NULL;') ELSE '' END FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='$database' AND IS_NULLABLE='NO' AND COLUMN_DEFAULT IS NULL AND COLUMN_KEY='';")" # Ejecutar actualización y borrar fichero de credenciales. mysql --defaults-extra-file=$mycnf --default-character-set=utf8 -D "$database" < $tmpfile status=$? rm -f $mycnf $tmpfile if [ $status -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error importing $sqlfile in database $database" return 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): file imported to database $database" return 0 } # Comprobar configuración de MySQL y recomendar cambios necesarios. function checkMysqlConfig() { echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): checking MySQL configuration" cp -a $WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/mysqld-og.cnf $MYSQLCFGDIR 2>/dev/null service=$MYSQLSERV; $STARTSERVICE echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): MySQL configuration has checked" return 0 } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones de instalación de paquetes ##################################################################### # Instalar las deependencias necesarias para el actualizador. function installDependencies() { local package # Comprobar si hay que actualizar PHP 5 a PHP 7. eval $UPDATEPKGLIST if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then # Basado en paquetes Deb. PHP7VERSION=$(apt-cache pkgnames php7 2>/dev/null | sort | head -1) PHPFPMSERV="${PHP7VERSION}-fpm" PHP5PKGS=( $(dpkg -l | awk '$2~/^php5/ {print $2}') ) if [ -n "$PHP5PKGS" ]; then $DELETEPKGS ${PHP5PKGS[@]} PHP5PKGS[0]="$PHP7VERSION" INSTALLDEPS=${PHP5PKGS[@]//php5*-/${PHP7VERSION}-} fi fi if [ "$OSDISTRIB" == "centos" ]; then PHP7VERSION=$(yum list -q php7\* 2>/dev/null | awk -F. '/^php/ {print $1; exit;}') PHPFPMSERV="${PHP7VERSION}-${PHPFPMSERV}" PHP5PKGS=( $(yum list installed | awk '$1~/^php/ && $2~/^5\./ {sub(/\..*$/, "", $1); print $1}') ) if [ -n "$PHP5PKGS" ]; then $DELETEPKGS ${PHP5PKGS[@]} PHP5PKGS[0]="$PHP7VERSION-php" INSTALLDEPS=${PHP5PKGS[@]//php-/${PHP7VERSION}-php} fi fi if [ $# = 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): no dependencies are needed" else while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do package="${1/php/$PHP7VERSION}" eval $CHECKPKG || INSTALLDEPS="$INSTALLDEPS $package" shift done if [ -n "$INSTALLDEPS" ]; then $INSTALLPKGS $INSTALLDEPS if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): cannot install some dependencies: $INSTALLDEPS" return 1 fi fi fi } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones para descargar código ##################################################################### function downloadCode() { if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): invalid number of parameters" exit 1 fi local url="$1" echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): downloading code..." curl "$url" -o opengnsys.zip && \ unzip -qo opengnsys.zip && \ rm -fr opengnsys && \ mv "OpenGnsys-$BRANCH" opengnsys if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error getting code from ${url}, verify your user and password" return 1 fi rm -f opengnsys.zip echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): code was downloaded" return 0 } ############################################################ ### Detectar red ############################################################ # Comprobar si existe conexión. function checkNetworkConnection() { OPENGNSYS_SERVER=${OPENGNSYS_SERVER:-"opengnsys.es"} if which curl &>/dev/null; then curl --connect-timeout 10 -s "https://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" -o /dev/null && \ curl --connect-timeout 10 -s "http://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" -o /dev/null elif which wget &>/dev/null; then wget --spider -q "https://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" && \ wget --spider -q "http://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER" else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Cannot execute \"wget\" nor \"curl\"." return 1 fi } # Comprobar si la versión es anterior a la actual. function checkVersion() { local PRE # Obtener versión actual y versión a actualizar. [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt ] && OLDVERSION=$(awk '{print $2}' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.txt 2>/dev/null) [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json ] && OLDVERSION=$(jq -r '.version' $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null) if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then NEWVERSION=$(curl -s $RAW_URL/doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.version') else NEWVERSION=$(jq -r '.version' $PROGRAMDIR/../doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null) fi [[ "$NEWVERSION" =~ pre ]] && PRE=1 # Comparar versiones. [[ "$NEWVERSION" < "${OLDVERSION/pre/}" ]] && return 1 [ "${NEWVERSION/pre/}" == "$OLDVERSION" -a "$PRE" == "1" ] && return 1 return 0 } # Obtener los parámetros de red del servidor. function getNetworkSettings() { # Variables globales definidas: # - SERVERIP: IP local de la interfaz por defecto. local DEVICES local dev SERVERIP="$ServidorAdm" DEVICES="$(ip -o link show up | awk '!/loopback/ {sub(/:.*/,"",$2); print $2}')" for dev in $DEVICES; do [ -z "$SERVERIP" ] && SERVERIP=$(ip -o addr show dev $dev | awk '$3~/inet$/ {sub (/\/.*/, ""); print ($4); exit;}') done } ##################################################################### ####### Funciones específicas de la instalación de Opengnsys ##################################################################### # Actualizar cliente OpenGnsys. function updateClientFiles() { local ENGINECFG=$INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/engine.cfg # Actualizar ficheros del cliente. backupFile $ENGINECFG echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updating OpenGnsys Client files" rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/shared/* $INSTALL_TARGET/client if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while updating client structure" exit 1 fi # Actualizar librerías del motor de clonación. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updating OpenGnsys Cloning Engine files" rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/engine/*.lib* $INSTALL_TARGET/client/lib/engine/bin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while updating engine files" exit 1 fi # Actualizar fichero de configuración del motor de clonación. if ! grep -q "^TZ" $ENGINECFG; then TZ=$(timedatectl status | awk -F"[:()]" '/Time.*zone/ {print $2}') cat << EOT >> $ENGINECFG # OpenGnsys Server timezone. TZ="${TZ// /}" EOT fi if ! diff -q ${ENGINECFG}{,-LAST} &>/dev/null; then NEWFILES="$NEWFILES $ENGINECFG" else rm -f ${ENGINECFG}-LAST fi # Obtener URL para descargas adicionales. DOWNLOADURL=$(oglivecli config download-url 2>/dev/null) DOWNLOADURL=${DOWNLOADURL:-"https://$OPENGNSYS_SERVER/trac/downloads"} echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): client files successfully updated" } # Crear certificado para la firma de cargadores de arranque, si es necesario. function createCerts () { local SSLCFGDIR=$INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/ssl mkdir -p $SSLCFGDIR/{certs,private} if [ ! -f $SSLCFGDIR/private/opengnsys.key ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): creating certificate files" openssl req -new -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $SSLCFGDIR/private/opengnsys.key -out $SSLCFGDIR/certs/opengnsys.crt -nodes -days 3650 -subj "/CN=OpenGnsys/" openssl x509 -in $SSLCFGDIR/certs/opengnsys.crt -out $SSLCFGDIR/certs/opengnsys.cer -outform DER echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): certificate successfully created" fi } # Configurar HTTPS y exportar usuario y grupo del servicio Apache. function apacheConfiguration () { local config template module socketfile # Avtivar PHP-FPM. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): configuring PHP-FPM" service=$PHPFPMSERV $ENABLESERVICE; $STARTSERVICE # Activar módulos de Apache. if [ -e $APACHECFGDIR/sites-available/opengnsys.conf ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Configuring Apache modules" a2ensite default-ssl for module in $APACHEENABLEMODS; do a2enmod -q "$module"; done for module in $APACHEDISABLEMODS; do a2dismod -q "${module//PHP7VERSION}"; done a2ensite opengnsys elif [ -e $APACHECFGDIR/conf.modules.d ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Configuring Apache modules" sed -i '/rewrite/s/^#//' $APACHECFGDIR/*.conf fi # Elegir plantilla según versión de Apache. if [ -n "$(apachectl -v | grep "2\.[0-2]")" ]; then template=$WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/apache-prev2.4.conf.tmpl > $config else template=$WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/apache.conf.tmpl fi sockfile=$(find /run/php -name "php*.sock" -type s -print 2>/dev/null | tail -1) # Actualizar configuración de Apache a partir de fichero de plantilla. for config in $APACHECFGDIR/{,sites-available/}opengnsys.conf; do if [ -e $config ]; then if [ -n "$sockfile" ]; then sed -e "s,CONSOLEDIR,$INSTALL_TARGET/www,g; s,proxy:fcgi:.*,proxy:unix:${sockfile%% *}|fcgi://localhost\",g" $template > $config else sed -e "s,CONSOLEDIR,$INSTALL_TARGET/www,g" $template > $config fi fi done # Reiniciar Apache. service=$APACHESERV; $STARTSERVICE # Variables de ejecución de Apache. # - APACHE_RUN_USER # - APACHE_RUN_GROUP if [ -f $APACHECFGDIR/envvars ]; then source $APACHECFGDIR/envvars fi APACHE_RUN_USER=${APACHE_RUN_USER:-"$APACHEUSER"} APACHE_RUN_GROUP=${APACHE_RUN_GROUP:-"$APACHEGROUP"} } # Configurar servicio Rsync. function rsyncConfigure() { local service # Configurar acceso a Rsync. if [ ! -f /etc/rsyncd.conf ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Configuring Rsync service" NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /etc/rsyncd.conf" sed -e "s/CLIENTUSER/$OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER/g" \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/repoman/etc/rsyncd.conf.tmpl > /etc/rsyncd.conf # Habilitar Rsync. if [ -f /etc/default/rsync ]; then perl -pi -e 's/RSYNC_ENABLE=.*/RSYNC_ENABLE=inetd/' /etc/default/rsync fi if [ -f $INETDCFGDIR/rsync ]; then perl -pi -e 's/disable.*/disable = no/' $INETDCFGDIR/rsync else cat << EOT > $INETDCFGDIR/rsync service rsync { disable = no socket_type = stream wait = no user = root server = $(which rsync) server_args = --daemon log_on_failure += USERID flags = IPv6 } EOT fi # Activar e iniciar Rsync. service="rsync" $ENABLESERVICE service="xinetd" $ENABLESERVICE; $STARTSERVICE fi } # Copiar ficheros del OpenGnsys Web Console. function updateWebFiles() { local ERRCODE COMPATDIR f echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updating web files..." # Copiar los ficheros nuevos conservando el archivo de configuración de acceso. backupFile $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php mv $INSTALL_TARGET/www $INSTALL_TARGET/WebConsole rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/WebConsole $INSTALL_TARGET ERRCODE=$? mv $INSTALL_TARGET/WebConsole $INSTALL_TARGET/www rm -fr $INSTALL_TARGET/www/xajax unzip -o $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/slim-2.6.1.zip -d $INSTALL_TARGET/www/rest unzip -o $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/swagger-ui-2.2.5.zip -d $INSTALL_TARGET/www/rest if [ $ERRCODE != 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Error updating web files." exit 1 fi restoreFile $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php # Cambiar acceso a protocolo HTTPS. if grep -q "http://" $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php 2>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating web access file" perl -pi -e 's!http://!https://!g' $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php NEWFILES="$NEWFILES $INSTALL_TARGET/www/controlacceso.php" fi # Compatibilidad con dispositivos móviles. COMPATDIR="$INSTALL_TARGET/www/principal" for f in acciones administracion aula aulas hardwares imagenes menus repositorios softwares; do sed 's/clickcontextualnodo/clicksupnodo/g' $COMPATDIR/$f.php > $COMPATDIR/$f.device.php done cp -a $COMPATDIR/imagenes.device.php $COMPATDIR/imagenes.device4.php # Acceso al manual de usuario ln -fs ../doc/userManual $INSTALL_TARGET/www/userManual # Fichero de log de la API REST. touch $INSTALL_TARGET/log/{ogagent,rest,remotepc}.log echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Web files successfully updated" } # Copiar ficheros en la zona de descargas de OpenGnsys Web Console. function updateDownloadableFiles() { local VERSIONFILE OGVERSION FILENAME TARGETFILE # Obtener versión a descargar. VERSIONFILE="$INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json" OGVERSION="$(jq -r ".ogagent // \"$NEWVERSION\"" $VERSIONFILE 2>/dev/null || echo "$NEWVERSION")" FILENAME="ogagentpkgs-$OGVERSION.tar.gz" TARGETFILE=$WORKDIR/$FILENAME # Descargar archivo comprimido, si es necesario. if [ -s $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Moving $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME file to $(dirname $TARGETFILE)" mv $PROGRAMDIR/$FILENAME $TARGETFILE else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Downloading $FILENAME" curl $DOWNLOADURL/$FILENAME -o $TARGETFILE fi if [ ! -s $TARGETFILE ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Cannot download $FILENAME" return 1 fi # Descomprimir fichero en zona de descargas. tar xvzf $TARGETFILE -C $INSTALL_TARGET/www/descargas if [ $? != 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Error uncompressing archive $FILENAME" return 1 fi } # Copiar carpeta de Interface function updateInterfaceAdm() { local errcode=0 # Crear carpeta y copiar Interface echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Copying Administration Interface Folder" mv $INSTALL_TARGET/client/interfaceAdm $INSTALL_TARGET/client/Interface rsync -irplt $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Interface $INSTALL_TARGET/client errcoce=$? mv $INSTALL_TARGET/client/Interface $INSTALL_TARGET/client/interfaceAdm if [ $errcode -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while updating admin interface" exit 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Admin interface successfully updated" } # Crear documentación Doxygen para la consola web. function makeDoxygenFiles() { echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Making Doxygen web files..." $WORKDIR/opengnsys/installer/ogGenerateDoc.sh \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/client/engine $INSTALL_TARGET/www if [ ! -d "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/html" ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): unable to create Doxygen web files" return 1 fi rm -fr "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/api" mv "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/html" "$INSTALL_TARGET/www/api" rm -fr $INSTALL_TARGET/www/{man,perlmod,rtf} echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Doxygen web files created successfully" } # Crea la estructura base de la instalación de opengnsys function createDirs() { # Crear estructura de directorios. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): creating directory paths in ${INSTALL_TARGET}" local dir MKNETDIR mkdir -p ${INSTALL_TARGET}/{bin,doc,etc,lib,sbin,www} mkdir -p ${INSTALL_TARGET}/{client,images/groups} mkdir -p ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log/clients ln -fs ${INSTALL_TARGET}/log /var/log/opengnsys # Detectar directorio de instalación de TFTP. if [ ! -L ${INSTALL_TARGET}/tftpboot ]; then for dir in /var/lib/tftpboot /srv/tftp; do [ -d $dir ] && ln -fs $dir ${INSTALL_TARGET}/tftpboot done fi mkdir -p $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/{menu.lst,grub}/examples if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while creating dirs. Do you have write permissions?" return 1 fi ! [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates/00unknown ] && mv $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates/* $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/examples ! [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/grub/templates/10 ] && mv $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/grub/templates/* $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/grub/examples # Preparar arranque en red con Grub. for f in grub-mknetdir grub2-mknetdir; do if which $f &>/dev/null; then MKNETDIR=$f; fi done $MKNETDIR --net-directory=${INSTALL_TARGET}/tftpboot --subdir=grub # Crear usuario ficticio. if id -u $OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER &>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): user \"$OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER\" is already created" else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): creating OpenGnsys user" useradd $OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error creating OpenGnsys user" return 1 fi fi # Mover el fichero de registro al directorio de logs. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): moving update log file" mv $LOG_FILE $OGLOGFILE && LOG_FILE=$OGLOGFILE chmod 600 $LOG_FILE echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): directory paths created" return 0 } # Actualización incremental de la BD (versión actaul a actaul+1, hasta final-1 a final). function updateDatabase() { local DBDIR="$WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Database" local file FILES="" echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): looking for database updates" pushd $DBDIR >/dev/null # Bucle de actualización incremental desde versión actual a la final. for file in $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-*-*.sql; do case "$file" in $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-$OLDVERSION-$NEWVERSION.sql) # Actualización única de versión inicial y final. FILES="$FILES $file" break ;; $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-*-postinst.sql) # Ignorar fichero específico de post-instalación. ;; $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-$OLDVERSION-*.sql) # Actualización de versión n a n+1. FILES="$FILES $file" OLDVERSION="$(echo ${file%.*} | cut -f3 -d-)" ;; $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-*-$NEWVERSION.sql) # Última actualización de versión final-1 a final. if [ -n "$FILES" ]; then FILES="$FILES $file" break fi ;; esac done # Aplicar posible actualización propia para la versión final. file=$OPENGNSYS_DATABASE-$NEWVERSION.sql if [ -n "$FILES" -o "$OLDVERSION" = "$NEWVERSION" -a -r $file ]; then FILES="$FILES $file" fi popd >/dev/null if [ -n "$FILES" ]; then for file in $FILES; do importSqlFile $OPENGNSYS_DBUSER $OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD $OPENGNSYS_DATABASE $DBDIR/$file done echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): database is update" else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): database unchanged" fi } # Copia ficheros de configuración y ejecutables genéricos del servidor. function updateServerFiles() { # No copiar ficheros del antiguo cliente Initrd local SOURCES=( repoman/bin \ server/bin \ server/lib \ admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmServerAux \ admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmRepoAux \ server/tftpboot \ /usr/lib/shim/shimx64.efi.signed \ /usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubnetx64.efi.signed \ installer/opengnsys_uninstall.sh \ installer/opengnsys_export.sh \ installer/opengnsys_import.sh \ doc ) local TARGETS=( bin \ bin \ lib \ sbin/ogAdmServerAux \ sbin/ogAdmRepoAux \ tftpboot \ tftpboot/shimx64.efi.signed \ tftpboot/grubx64.efi \ lib/opengnsys_uninstall.sh \ lib/opengnsys_export.sh \ lib/opengnsys_import.sh \ doc ) if [ ${#SOURCES[@]} != ${#TARGETS[@]} ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): inconsistent number of array items" exit 1 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating files in server directories" pushd $WORKDIR/opengnsys >/dev/null local i for (( i = 0; i < ${#SOURCES[@]}; i++ )); do if [ -d "$INSTALL_TARGET/${TARGETS[i]}" ]; then rsync -irplt "${SOURCES[i]}" $(dirname $(readlink -e "$INSTALL_TARGET/${TARGETS[i]}")) else rsync -irplt "${SOURCES[i]}" $(readlink -m "$INSTALL_TARGET/${TARGETS[i]}") fi done popd >/dev/null NEWFILES="" # Ficheros de configuración que han cambiado de formato. if grep -q 'pxelinux.0' /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating DHCP files" perl -pi -e 's/pxelinux.0/grldr/' /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf service=$DHCPSERV; $STARTSERVICE NEWFILES="/etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf" fi if ! grep -q 'shimx64.efi.signed' /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating DHCP files for UEFI computers" UEFICFG=" # 0007 == x64 EFI boot\n"\ " if option arch = 00:07 {\n"\ " filename \"shimx64.efi.signed\";\n"\ " } else {\n"\ " filename \"grldr\";\n"\ " }" sed -i -e 1i"option arch code 93 = unsigned integer 16;" -e s@"^.*grldr\"\;"@"$UEFICFG"@g /etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf service=$DHCPSERV; $STARTSERVICE NEWFILES="/etc/dhcp*/dhcpd*.conf" fi if ! diff -q $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.init /etc/init.d/opengnsys 2>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating new init file" backupFile /etc/init.d/opengnsys cp -a $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.init /etc/init.d/opengnsys NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /etc/init.d/opengnsys" fi if ! diff -q $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.default /etc/default/opengnsys >/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating new default file" backupFile /etc/default/opengnsys # Buscar si hay nuevos parámetros. local var valor while IFS="=" read -e var valor; do [[ $var =~ ^# ]] || \ grep -q "^$var=" /etc/default/opengnsys || \ echo "$var=$valor" >> /etc/default/opengnsys done < $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/opengnsys.default NEWFILES="$NEWFILES /etc/default/opengnsys" fi if egrep -q "(UrlMsg=.*msgbrowser.php)|(UrlMenu=http://)" $INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/ogAdmClient.cfg 2>/dev/null; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating new client config file" backupFile $INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/ogAdmClient.cfg perl -pi -e 's!UrlMsg=.*msgbrowser\.php!UrlMsg=http://localhost/cgi-bin/httpd-log\.sh!g; s!UrlMenu=http://!UrlMenu=https://!g' $INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/ogAdmClient.cfg NEWFILES="$NEWFILES $INSTALL_TARGET/client/etc/ogAdmClient.cfg" fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): updating cron files" [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/torrentcreator ] && echo "* * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-creator ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-creator" > /etc/cron.d/torrentcreator [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/torrenttracker ] && echo "5 * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-tracker ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/torrent-tracker" > /etc/cron.d/torrenttracker [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/imagedelete ] && echo "* * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/deletepreimage ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/deletepreimage" > /etc/cron.d/imagedelete [ ! -f /etc/cron.d/ogagentqueue ] && echo "* * * * * root [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/ogagentqueue.cron ] && $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/ogagentqueue.cron" > /etc/cron.d/ogagentqueue echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): deleting deprecated cron file" [ -e /etc/cron.d/opengnsys ] && rm -f /etc/cron.d/opengnsys \ $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/opengnsys.cron # Se modifican los nombres de las plantilla PXE por compatibilidad con los equipos UEFI. if [ -f $INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates/01 ]; then BIOSPXEDIR="$INSTALL_TARGET/tftpboot/menu.lst/templates" mv $BIOSPXEDIR/01 $BIOSPXEDIR/10 sed -i "s/\bMBR\b/1hd/" $BIOSPXEDIR/10 fi echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): server files successfully updated" } #################################################################### ### Funciones de compilación de código fuente de servicios #################################################################### # Mueve el fichero del nuevo servicio si es distinto al del directorio destino. function moveNewService() { local service # Recibe 2 parámetros: fichero origen y directorio destino. [ $# == 2 ] || return 1 [ -f $1 -a -d $2 ] || return 1 # Comparar los ficheros. if ! diff -q $1 $2/$(basename $1) &>/dev/null; then # Parar los servicios si fuese necesario. [ -z "$NEWSERVICES" ] && service="opengnsys" $STOPSERVICE # Nuevo servicio. NEWSERVICES="$NEWSERVICES $(basename $1)" # Mover el nuevo fichero de servicio mv $1 $2 fi } # Recompilar y actualiza los serivicios y clientes. function compileServices() { local hayErrores=0 # Compilar OpenGnsys Server echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Recompiling OpenGnsys Admin Server" pushd $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmServer make && moveNewService ogAdmServer $INSTALL_TARGET/sbin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while compiling OpenGnsys Admin Server" hayErrores=1 fi popd # Parar antiguo servicio de repositorio. pgrep ogAdmRepo > /dev/null && service="ogAdmRepo" $STOPSERVICE # Compilar OpenGnsys Agent echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Recompiling OpenGnsys Server Agent" pushd $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Services/ogAdmAgent make && moveNewService ogAdmAgent $INSTALL_TARGET/sbin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while compiling OpenGnsys Server Agent" hayErrores=1 fi popd # Compilar OpenGnsys Client echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Recompiling OpenGnsys Client" pushd $WORKDIR/opengnsys/admin/Sources/Clients/ogAdmClient make && mv ogAdmClient $INSTALL_TARGET/client/bin if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): error while compiling OpenGnsys Client" hayErrores=1 fi popd # Generar un API token de ogAdmServer si no existe en el fichero de configuración. grep -q "APITOKEN=" $INSTALL_TARGET/etc/ogAdmServer.cfg || \ $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/settoken -f return $hayErrores } #################################################################### ### Funciones instalacion cliente OpenGnsys #################################################################### # Actualizar cliente OpenGnsys function updateClient() { local FILENAME="ogLive-focal-5.11.0-22-generic-amd64-r20210413.992ebb9.iso" # 1.1.1d local SOURCEFILE=$DOWNLOADURL/$FILENAME local TARGETFILE=$(oglivecli config download-dir)/$FILENAME local SOURCELENGTH local TARGETLENGTH local OGINITRD local SAMBAPASS # Comprobar si debe convertirse el antiguo cliente al nuevo formato ogLive. if oglivecli check | grep -q "oglivecli convert"; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Converting OpenGnsys Client to default ogLive" oglivecli convert fi # Comprobar si debe actualizarse el cliente. SOURCELENGTH=$(curl -sI $SOURCEFILE 2>&1 | awk '/Content-Length:/ {gsub("\r", ""); print $2}') TARGETLENGTH=$(stat -c "%s" $TARGETFILE 2>/dev/null) [ -z $TARGETLENGTH ] && TARGETLENGTH=0 if [ "$SOURCELENGTH" != "$TARGETLENGTH" ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Downloading $FILENAME" oglivecli download $FILENAME if [ ! -s $TARGETFILE ]; then errorAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Error downloading $FILENAME" return 1 fi # Actaulizar la imagen ISO del ogclient. echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Updatting ogLive client" oglivecli install $FILENAME INSTALLEDOGLIVE=${FILENAME%.*} echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): ogLive successfully updated" else # Si no existe, crear el fichero de claves de Rsync. if [ ! -f /etc/rsyncd.secrets ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Restoring ogLive access key" OGINITRD=$(oglivecli config install-dir)/$(jq -r ".oglive[.default].directory")/oginitrd.img SAMBAPASS=$(gzip -dc $OGINITRD | \ cpio -i --to-stdout scripts/ogfunctions 2>&1 | \ grep "^[ ].*OPTIONS=" | \ sed 's/\(.*\)pass=\(\w*\)\(.*\)/\2/') echo -ne "$SAMBAPASS\n$SAMBAPASS\n" | setsmbpass else echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): ogLive is already updated" fi # Versión del ogLive instalado. echo "${FILENAME%.*}" > $INSTALL_TARGET/doc/veroglive.txt fi } # Comprobar permisos y ficheros. function checkFiles() { local LOGROTATEDIR=/etc/logrotate.d # Comprobar permisos adecuados. if [ -x $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/checkperms ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Checking permissions" OPENGNSYS_DIR="$INSTALL_TARGET" OPENGNSYS_USER="$OPENGNSYS_CLIENTUSER" APACHE_USER="$APACHE_RUN_USER" APACHE_GROUP="$APACHE_RUN_GROUP" $INSTALL_TARGET/bin/checkperms fi # Eliminamos el fichero de estado del tracker porque es incompatible entre los distintos paquetes if [ -f /tmp/dstate ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Deleting unused files" rm -f /tmp/dstate fi # Crear nuevos ficheros de logrotate y borrar el fichero antiguo. if [ -d $LOGROTATEDIR ]; then rm -f $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsys if [ ! -f $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysServer ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Creating logrotate configuration file for server" sed -e "s/OPENGNSYSDIR/${INSTALL_TARGET//\//\\/}/g" \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/logrotate.tmpl > $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysServer fi if [ ! -f $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysRepo ]; then echoAndLog "${FUNCNAME}(): Creating logrotate configuration file for repository" sed -e "s/OPENGNSYSDIR/${INSTALL_TARGET//\//\\/}/g" \ $WORKDIR/opengnsys/server/etc/logrotate.tmpl > $LOGROTATEDIR/opengnsysRepo fi fi } # Resumen de actualización. function updateSummary() { # Actualizar fichero de versión y revisión. local VERSIONFILE REVISION VERSIONFILE="$INSTALL_TARGET/doc/VERSION.json" # Obtener revisión. if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then # Revisión: rAñoMesDía.Gitcommit (8 caracteres de fecha y 7 primeros de commit). if [ "$BRANCH" = "master" ]; then REVISION=$(curl -s "$API_URL" | jq '"r" + (.commit.commit.committer.date | split("-") | join("")[:8]) + "." + (.commit.sha[:7])') else REVISION=$(curl -s "$API_URL" | jq '"r" + (.commit.committer.date | split("-") | join("")[:8]) + "." + (.sha[:7])') fi else # Parámetro "release" del fichero JSON. REVISION=$(jq -r '.release' $PROGRAMDIR/../doc/VERSION.json 2>/dev/null) fi [ -f $VERSIONFILE ] || echo '{ "project": "OpenGnsys" }' > $VERSIONFILE jq ".release=$REVISION" $VERSIONFILE | sponge $VERSIONFILE VERSION="$(jq -r '[.project, .version, .codename, .release] | join(" ")' $VERSIONFILE 2>/dev/null)" # Borrar antiguo fichero de versión. rm -f "${VERSIONFILE/json/txt}" echo echoAndLog "OpenGnsys Update Summary" echo "========================" echoAndLog "Project version: $VERSION" echoAndLog "Update log file: $LOG_FILE" [ "$NEWFILES" ] && echoAndLog "Check new config files: $(echo $NEWFILES)" [ "$NEWSERVICES" ] && echoAndLog "New compiled services: $(echo $NEWSERVICES)" echoAndLog "Warnings:" echoAndLog " - You must to clear web browser cache before loading OpenGnsys page" echoAndLog " - Run \"settoken\" script to update authentication tokens" [ "$INSTALLEDOGLIVE" ] && echoAndLog " - Installed new ogLive Client: $INSTALLEDOGLIVE" echoAndLog " - If you want to use BURG as boot manager, run following command as root:" echoAndLog " curl $DOWNLOADURL/burg.tgz -o $INSTALL_TARGET/client/lib/burg.tgz" echo } ##################################################################### ####### Proceso de actualización de OpenGnsys ##################################################################### # Comprobar si hay conexión y detectar parámetros de red por defecto. checkNetworkConnection if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error connecting to server. Causes:" errorAndLog " - Network is unreachable, check device parameters" errorAndLog " - You are inside a private network, configure the proxy service" errorAndLog " - Server is temporally down, try again later" exit 1 fi getNetworkSettings # Elegir versión y comprobar si se intanta actualizar a una versión anterior. chooseVersion checkVersion if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Cannot downgrade to an older version ($OLDVERSION to $NEWVERSION)" errorAndLog "You must to uninstall OpenGnsys and install desired release" exit 1 fi echoAndLog "OpenGnsys update begins at $(date)" pushd $WORKDIR # Comprobar auto-actualización del programa. if [ "$PROGRAMDIR" != "$INSTALL_TARGET/bin" ]; then checkAutoUpdate if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echoAndLog "OpenGnsys updater has been overwritten" echoAndLog "Please, run this script again" exit fi fi # Detectar datos de auto-configuración del instalador. autoConfigure # Instalar dependencias. installDependencies ${DEPENDENCIES[*]} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error: you must to install all needed dependencies" exit 1 fi # Arbol de directorios de OpenGnsys. createDirs ${INSTALL_TARGET} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error while creating directory paths" exit 1 fi # Si es necesario, descarga el repositorio de código en directorio temporal if [ $REMOTE -eq 1 ]; then downloadCode $CODE_URL if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error while getting code from repository" exit 1 fi else ln -fs "$(dirname $PROGRAMDIR)" opengnsys fi # Comprobar configuración de MySQL. checkMysqlConfig $OPENGNSYS_DBUSER $OPENGNSYS_DBPASSWORD # Actualizar la BD. updateDatabase # Actualizar ficheros complementarios del servidor updateServerFiles if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error updating OpenGnsys Server files" exit 1 fi # Configurar Rsync. rsyncConfigure # Actualizar ficheros del cliente. updateClientFiles createCerts updateInterfaceAdm # Actualizar páqinas web. apacheConfiguration updateWebFiles if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error updating OpenGnsys Web Admin files" exit 1 fi # Actaulizar ficheros descargables. updateDownloadableFiles # Generar páginas Doxygen para instalar en el web makeDoxygenFiles # Recompilar y actualizar los servicios del sistema if compileServices; then # Restart services, if necessary. if [ "$NEWSERVICES" ]; then echoAndLog "Restarting OpenGnsys services" service="opengnsys" $STARTSERVICE fi else errorAndLog "Error compiling OpenGnsys services" exit 1 fi # Actaulizar ficheros auxiliares del cliente updateClient if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then errorAndLog "Error updating client files" exit 1 fi # Comprobar permisos y ficheros. checkFiles # Mostrar resumen de actualización. updateSummary rm -rf $WORKDIR echoAndLog "OpenGnsys update finished at $(date)" popd